Under RCH Programme AES is organising vaccination camps, referrals and treatment of the mothers at risk, health examination and treatment camps for women and children, women training on nutrition and health education, recognition of infants at risk, recognition and treatment of malnutrition children, family planning camps, distribution of family planning devices, STD/RTI examination and treatment camps, adolescent training and health camps, health competitions, RCH training camps for women, health workers, etc.
Other health interventions are:
Community Monitoring under NRHM Programme
AES is doing the work of community monitoring under NRHM Programme and providing information to the people on RTI/STD, HIV/AIDS, women health, child health, vaccination, mother and infant mortality rate, population control, health examination, pre-delivery care, family planning, etc., after doing survey in the region on the related issues. It is keeping in touch with the Chief Medical Officer of the district and making efforts to solve the irregularities related to health of the region.
Life Skill Education Centres
The organisation is engaged in programmes for adolescent girls in the age group 10-19 years, and providing them information related to health, art of living, population control, AIDS, sexual diseases, RTI/STD, malnutrition, etc. These girls are being provided with the information every day with the help of various pictures and diagrams. They are also being trained on the basis of their capabilities which help them further for their livelihood development.
Total Sanitation Programme
AES is working on building toilets and wall writing related to cleanliness under the total sanitation campaign in the area.
Pulse Polio Campaign
The organisation is taking part in the pulse polio campaign and organising rallies and awareness campaigns for the complete success of the national level programme.
AES is a partner of Madhya Pradesh State AIDS Control Society (MPSACS) and is covering all the three high risk groups (HRGs): Female sex workers (FSWs), men having sex with men (MSMs) and injecting drug users (IDUs).
Given the special vulnerabilities of HRGs, prevention strategies include five elements – behaviour change, treatment for sexually transmittted infections (STIs), monitoring access to and utilisation of condoms, ownership building and creating an enabling environment. The prevention strategies encourage peer led interventions by community based organisations or NGOs or both in rural and urban areas. All TIs are rights based and empower the communities.
Training rogramme on awareness of Vitamin A
Organization has provided awareness training on the Vitamin A to the Aaganwadi karyakarta, ANM and MPW, Superwiser, LHV i.e. 2114 participants in Rewa district and 1186 participants in Shahdol district with the support of Micronutrient Initiative India (MII), New Delhi.